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Mount Carmel Catholic Primary School home page

Mount Carmel

Catholic Primary School

I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full - John 10:10

Meet the Teacher

Year 4 Rules & Expectations


In Year 4, children are expected to behave with increasing maturity as they prepare for Upper Key Stage 2. As well as following the general school rules, both classes have agreed their own class rules with their teacher. These rules are based on mutual respect, showing exemplary behaviour for learning, coming prepared for each day and, most crucially of all, trying your best.


Our expectations are as follows:

  • Spelling homework books come in on Thursday. This is also when we do our test.
  • English comprehension and Math homework is brought in on a Friday to be marked.
  • Children should always have correct uniform including for PE.
  • Any school property that is deliberately damaged or lost must be paid for, including core textbooks.
  • Red slips must be returned the day after they are issued, signed by a parent or guardian