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Mount Carmel Catholic Primary School home page

Mount Carmel

Catholic Primary School

I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full - John 10:10


Our Mission Statement is


'I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full.' John 10:10


to live out this Mission Statement we ensure that children have the options to try as many different clubs outside of the National Curriculum. 

Ballet - Wednesday lunchtimes

Basketball - Wednesday before school

Brentford Clubs - After school Monday-Friday's

Brit Youth Theatre - Thursday after school

Chess - Wednesday lunchtime

Cooking club - Monday after school

Drum Lessons - Friday during the school day

Irish Dancing - Monday lunchtime

Little Kickers - Sunday AM

Makers and Shakers - Tuesday after school

Minecraft Club - Thursday after school

Piano Lessons - Friday during the school day

Rock Steady/Music - Friday during school day

Violin Lessons - Tuesday during the school day