It has been an eventful term for all of us in Year 6 so far. The Big Talk is now a normal part of the school week and the discussions at home have really helped us to improve our writing skills. We have been pestering our teachers about the end of year production and between them and Mr McCarthy they kept it all top secret. Now we know that this year we will be putting on our own version of "Back to the Eighties" which is all very exciting because we all love the music, especially Mrs Murphy. SATs has now finished and we are looking forward to the Year 6 trip to Normandy, France - even though we have to be at school at 5:15am to load up the coach! Our teachers tell us that this trip is the best school trip ever and we will be visitng many places, practising our French and eating the delicious French food. We are all looking forward to the brilliant activites planned for the rest of this term as we prepare to leave Mount Carmel School.
Have you seen the Kids' Zone? Play games, and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites!