Our Relationship and Health Education Curriculum
Our RHE Lead is Siobhan Ponter
'Relationships are never about power, and one way to avoid the will of power, is to chose to limit oneself to serve.'
Wm. Paul Young
What we teach in RHE.
We treat everyone the same at Mount Carmel and are aware of the Protected Characteristics.
Life to the Full and Protected Characteristics.
In Life to the Full, we take a holistic approach to the teaching of all RHE subject matters including teaching on the Protected Characteristics.
- In KS1, we look at family structures (particularly KS1, Module 2, Unit 2: Special People) and provide guidance for schools on talking about different family structures.
- In Lower KS2, we explore similarities and differences (LKS2 Module 1, Unit 2: We Don’t Have To Be The Same) and deepen children’s exploration of family and others in LKS2 Mod2 Unit 2: Family, Friend and Others.
- In Upper KS2, we explore difference once again through the Paradise Street series, including discussion around ‘two mums and two dads’ etc.
Life to the Full is a responsive programme that will change and grow over time, so we are constantly creating and updating material.
- We will review the entire programme from primary to secondary, taking into account the Oftsed guidance, ensuring that teaching on the Protected Characteristic is appropriately integrated into the programme.
- We will put together new guidelines for primary and secondary schools on how Life to the Full meets the Ofsted expectations around Protected Characteristics so you can evidence this in future inspections.
- We have been working with a SEND specialist who has been helping us to integrate disability into the programme more fully (such as images and scenarios). These subtle changes will rise to the surface over the coming months, fulfilling the DFE stipulation of appropriate integration.
- Building on our Black Lives Matter assembly that we created last year (part of Collective Worship), we will adapt this resource and add it to the Life to the Full programme.