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Mount Carmel Catholic Primary School home page

Mount Carmel

Catholic Primary School

I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full - John 10:10

School Development Plan

The Rationale:

The rationale for this document is to ensure that there is a clear outline for Staff and Governors to understand what the main areas of development are in the school. This document also informs staff of their continual professional development.


This document is reviewed

  • Four times a year by Governors.
  • Half termly by the Senior Leadership Team
  • Annually by the Senior Leadership Team as a whole, moving forward document.


The developments come from a range of sources. This School Development Plan has been designed from

  • Discussions at Governor level.
  • Feedback from Governor Visits.
  • Discussions at weekly Senior Leadership Team meetings.
  • Senior Leadership Team visionary away day.
  • School Improvement reports from our School Improvement Partner.
  • Reports written for the school.
  • Continual Professional Development sessions staff have attended.
  • Peer Reviews from other Headteachers.
  • Peer Reviews from other Subject Leaders from other schools.
  • Children’s Voice, Staff Voice and Parents Voice.