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Mount Carmel Catholic Primary School home page

Mount Carmel

Catholic Primary School

I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full - John 10:10


Homework         Week   10    28.6.2012

Homework has been posted on the school website.


Spellings- no spellings!!

Maths – adding and take-away sums


Enter the Young Writers Competition


Storyboards will be sent home

Here are the Entry Rules

  • Stories must be on the templated entry form and have the information section filled in.
  • Only one story may be submitted per pupil.
  • Stories must be children’s own work


Please give entries to Miss Ramkeeson by 9th July


             Math Sums
45 + 32 =                         45 – 23=
19 + 17 =                         87-22 =
76 + 67 =                          34 -12 =
12 + 34 + 54 =                 87 – 14 – 6 =
15 + 17 + 32 =                 78 – 14 – 20 =
18 + 21 + 43 =                  99 – 25 – 8 =
39 + 36 + 11 =
4 x 5 =                          2 x 5 =
6 x 5 =                          5 x 10 =
7 x 10 =                        2 x 8 =
7 x 5 =                          10 x 0 =
254 + 132 =                      145 – 65 =
267 + 183=                       123 – 34=
362 + 376=