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Mount Carmel Catholic Primary School home page

Mount Carmel

Catholic Primary School

I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full - John 10:10

Our Ethos and Values

At Mount Carmel, we ensure that our Mission Statement is lived out every day. This is also built with our Catholic Ethos and Values. We ensure that Mount Carmel is a school which is building God's kingdom by providing


  • A place where Jesus' actions are lived out every through asking 'What would Jesus do?'
  • Giving children the opportunities to become independent learners in the whole school environment.
  • Equality for all.
  • Having high expectations of all staff and pupils. 
  • An environment in which behaviour, self-discipline and showing respect for the rights and views of others is everyday practice and consistently kept to a high standard.
  • To ensure that the curriculum gives every child an opportunity to learn through their own learning style.
  • A place where everyone feels valued and respected as members of a community.
  • Celebrate all the individual and collective achievements from children, staff and parents.
  • A thriving community, where staff and parents can work together to ensure excellence for each child.


But most of all to ensure that every member of this community can '... have life and have it to the full.' (John 10:10)