Worship & Eucharistic Gatherings
Collective worship and Eucharist gatherings are an opportunity for our Mount Carmel community to come together and renew our bonds with each other and God.
"When the peoples are gathered together,
And the kingdoms, to serve the Lord." (Psalm 102:22)
Year 3 Eucharist Liturgy, Benediction & Exposition of the Eucharist
On the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Year 3 led our school community in a lovely liturgy about the Eucharist, following their First Holy Communions. Fr. Jim joined us for Benediction then all classes from Y1-6 were able to quietly pray in the presence of Our Lord.
Rosary Club - May
During the month of May, we have invited parents and pupils to join us each Wednesday for a decade of the rosary. The families have loved that quiet time praying together. Hear what our attendees like about the sessions:
“It’s praying. We sit down and I pray for my family.” (Jeannie, Y1)
“The rosary club has helped me to stay calm in class and you can pray for whoever you want to pray.” (Milly, Y4)
“I find Rosary club calming. You can pray and it’s really peaceful. There’s no loud noises, it’s just quiet, and it’s in a room and we’re all here doing prayers.” (Aiden, Y4)
“I find Rosary club very useful because we all get together. In the afternoon, if I get a bit angry, I can pray to God and Mary and it gets all my bad thoughts away. I get calm.” (Maria-Charlotte, Y5)
“You just start praying to God and you know He’s going to be there with you and will be there for you. It’s a nice calm area and if you’ve had a hard day on Tuesday, you can be in a calm area on Wednesday. When I start praying, there are a few people from my class and I can pray to God and He knows I am there so I feel happy for the rest of the day.” (Annabella, Y5)
Y5 Stations of the Cross - March 2023
Year 5 led a beautiful reflection at the parish church, on the 14 stations of the cross. They created tableaus to recreate this important time in the Passion of Christ.
Lenten Masses
During Lent, Fr. Jim comes in every Wednesday morning before school to celebrate Mass with families and teachers. This is a quiet time for us to gather as a community for 15 minutes, to reflect on this special time in the liturgical calendar. The RE Pupil Leaders come to the Mass to read the scripture.
Ash Wednesday Service - February 2023
Our RE Pupil Leaders helped Fr. Jim lead the special service to mark this important time in our liturgical season of Lent. All classes then received the ashes, strengthening our faith at the start of this prayerful time.
Advent Mass - Dec 22
Our school community came together to celebrate Mass with Fr. Jim. Our school choir lead the singing at Mass.
All Saints' Day Mass & RE Pupil Leader Commissioning Ceremony
Our school community and parents came together to mark this special occasion and welcome our new RE Pupil Leaders into their new roles. Our RE Pupil Leaders read at the Mass with our choir leading the beautiful singing.
During Lent, Fr. Jim came into school to talk with the Year 4-6 children about Reconciliation and what it means, ahead of the children having their own opportunity to repent and renew their bonds with God.