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Mount Carmel Catholic Primary School home page

Mount Carmel

Catholic Primary School

I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full - John 10:10

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!
The children have settled in really well to Year 2 this week.  We have given all the children 2 books to read this weekend - we hope to get a reading timetable up and running as soon as we hear from volunteer parents. We will wait until next week to start homework.

We look forward to seeing some of you on Tuesday at Meet the Teacher - don't worry if you cannot attend as we will send home all the relevant information and upload it to the website.

Miss Doolan and Miss Caulfield

PE will begin this week so please ensure all children have their PE kits in school. Plimsolls for indoor PE and trainers for outdoors. Tights should not be worn during PE, so girls will need to include a pair of socks in their kits.

  • RE on a Wednesday – Wednesday Word, please discuss as a family
  • Spellings - weekly test on a Tuesday.
  • Reading every night - please sign the yellow record book EVERY night, even if you use a different book to read with the children.
  • Mathletics – 1 week to complete task(s) linked to work in school.
  • Creative Curriculum – One piece a week, days may change due to task.