Amos News
DIARY CHECKS: Every Monday I check the children's diary's. Please try to sign these on a weekly basis as notes are put into them about homework, spelling and mental maths.
HOME LEARNING: Just to remind you that written homework is formally set twice a week. The first piece is core and is set on a Monday (due in on Friday). The second piece is non core and is set on a Friday (due in on Wednesday). The children came up with a class target for this term and have decided that they want to try harder with their home learning. It is a vital part of the children's learning and progress and should be completed by the due date to a suitable standard. Should this be a problem, do send a note in the children's diary or speak to me at anytime before the deadline. I am more than happy to help with anything, anytime!
HOME LEARNING BOOKS: As requested by many parents on parents evening, I now send home the children's books for them to complete their homework in, as opposed to sheets. On the whole this is working well, however, there are children who are leaving their books/diaries at home. Whether the home work is complete or not the children should always have every book in school.
MATHS WORKSHEETS: Every child has been given a column (A,B,C) or a range to complete for homework every week. It is their responsibility to remember which to do, however should you be in doubt, just check their diary under W/B 28.01.2013 and you will find the column they have been given.
Thanks again to all parent helpers for the swimming, it is hugely appreciated.
It's a while till the next parent evening, so if any of the above or absolutely anything is playing on your mind or you have any questions do come in and see me!
Lastly for those of you who have misplaced your calenders, Amos Class' assembly is next friday 08.02.2013 at 9am!
Miss Carver