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Mount Carmel

Catholic Primary School

I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full - John 10:10

Nursery Home Learning

10th July 2024


Dear Nursery children,

We only have 7 days left in Nursery! So, to celebrate the end of our time in Nursery we thought that it would be a great idea to have a ‘Teddy Bears Picnic’ on Wednesday 17th at 2.00pm. We will head to the Gym Trail and have some fun there.

There are a number of things that you need to do for this:


  1. Bring a teddy bear in transportation (see challenge below).
  2. Bring a small healthy snack to eat into school with you on  Wednesday. Maybe you could bring a small sandwich and a piece of fruit? Just enough for you and your bear! Grown-ups, please be reminded that we are a nut free school. Remember to bring your water bottle  as you will need a drink!
  3. Invite your grown-up to join us. We will open the Nursery gate at 2.00pm to let your grown-ups in. Younger siblings are welcome to join us but they are not the responsibility of Nursery staff. Parents/Carers need to keep a close eye on them. 
  4. Grown-ups, if you do join us please don't forget your teddy and a small snack for yourself. 


You will not get your Home-Wow Books this week instead I am setting you a making challenge.

I would like you to make something that your Teddy Bear can sit in on the way to our picnic. Maybe you could make a car? Or a train? Or an aeroplane? It’s up to you. Your Teddy Bear needs to be able to sit in what you make and you must be able to carry/drag it along by yourself. Think about what you could use. A lot of you do like to make things with boxes, bottles etc so it will be interesting to see what ideas you come up with. Put your teddy in and bring to school on the day of the picnic (not before as we have no space to store them).


Grown-ups- stuck for ideas? Previously when I have set this challenge children have decorated a cardboard box and attached a piece of string to pull the box along. But of course children have many ideas of what they want to do and I have seen wonderful inventions over many years. Be adventurous, the children will love sharing their creations on the day of the picnic.


Have fun making, you have got plenty of time to get your thinking caps on.


Miss Whittaker

5th July


Dear Nursery children,


This week your challenge is to be on stage at the Summer Fair! 


The Nursery are performing two songs on the stage at 12.20pm. Please be at the stage ready to go on for 12.15pm.


We hope to see you there




Miss Whittaker



28th June 2024


Dear Nursery children,


I have not given you your Home wow book. 


This week we have been thinking about shapes. 


Your challenge this week is to go on a shape hunt. When you are out and about have a look to see if you can see any shapes including, triangle, square, rectangle and circle. I wonder if you can spot any cones or spheres? What other shapes will you find?


Have a lovely weekend


Miss Whittaker

14th June 2024


Dear Nursery children,


This weekend your challenge is to think of your favourite Nursery Rhyme and to practice singing it. Use the link below if you need help to choose your song.

Next week you will share your favourite rhyme with the class.


Have a lovely weekend


Miss Whittaker

7th June 2024


Dear Nursery children,


Your challenge is to look for the letter 'e' when you are sharing books with your grown-ups. Do you recognise any other letters in the book? 


Have a lovely weekend


Miss Whittaker

24th May 2024


Dear Nursery children,


Next week you will not be in Nursery and your challenge is to have fun. 


I have not given you your Home-Wow book. 


Enjoy your week at home and stay safe




Miss Whittaker

17th May 2024


Dear Nursery children,


This week we have been learning the sound 'c'. 


Your challenge is to think of as many words as you can that start with this sound.


Have a good weekend


Miss Whittaker

10th May 2024


Dear Nursery children,


We went on a long journey to the church, this week. We went past, over, under, around, across different things. 


I wonder, what is your journey to school like? What do you go past? Do you go around anything? Think about your journey, tell your grown-ups and maybe you can draw a map of your journey in your Home-Wow book.


Have a lovely weekend,


Miss Whittaker

3rd May 2024


Dear Nursery children,


You have not got your Home-Wow Book this week but you have got a challenge. 


This week we have been learning about the sound 'g'. When you are out and about or in your home why don't you see if you can find things that begin with a 'g' sound or can you think of words that begin with the sound 'g'?


Have a lovely, long, weekend




Miss Whittaker

26th April 2024


Dear Nursery children,


Thank-you for sharing your Jack and the Beanstalk stories. They were great to read. 


This week we have had beans on toast. Do you have any beans in your cupboard? Have you got any bread? Is there any butter in your fridge? Maybe you could give your grown-up instructions on how to make beans on toast? Ask your grown-up to share what you did. Maybe you could draw some pictures in your Home-Wow book. 


Have a great weekend


Miss Whittaker

19th April 2024


Dear Nursery children,


This week we have been sharing the story 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. Do your grown-ups know the story? Can you tell them what you remember?


Ask your grown-up to write down what you say in your Home-Wow book.


Have a lovely weekend


from Miss Whittaker

22nd March 2024


Dear Nursery children,


Next Thursday is the last day of term and we will be having our Easter Bonnet Parade.


Your challenge is to create a fabulous Easter Bonnet/hat that you can bring into Nursery , next Thursday.


We look forward to seeing your creations. 


Have a good weekend


Miss Whittaker

15th March 2024


Dear Nursery children,


Next Thursday we will be doing a Sponsored Scoot as a fundraiser for our Lenten charity, Catholic Children's Society. 


Over the weekend do a little scooter preparation. Get scooting around, building up your strength, so that you can do more laps of the scooter park. 


Happy scooting


Miss Whittaker

8th March 2024


Dear Nursery children,


I wonder if you can complete the 'Reading Stars' challenge?


I have added a copy of the challenge above but I also gave you a copy of the challenge to take home. Maybe you could tick off a star each time you do a task? Bring the sheet back so that we can see how many of the challenges you complete. If you take some photos bring them in and we can put them up on display. 


Happy reading




Miss Whittaker



1st March 2024


Dear Nursery children,


Thank-you for sharing your Home learning about Baptism.


This week you have not got your Home-Wow book.


Next week, is World Book Week. Each day we will share someone’s favourite book. This weekend choose your favourite book, talk with your grown-ups about it and be ready to bring the book in on your allocated day. We will share your chosen book with your friends and grown-ups, in nursery.

You also have the challenge of thinking of a word that you would like to dress up as on 'World Book day'. 


Grown-ups, I will post on class dojos a list of the children's allocated days. Your child should only bring a book in on this day. 


Have a lovely weekend


Miss Whittaker





23rd February 2024


Dear Nursery children,


This week we have been been learning a little about the Baptism of Jesus. Have you been Baptised or have you been to a Baptism? Maybe you could talk to your grown up about this. We saw that Jesus was Baptised in a river. Is this what happened to you/others? Jesus was Baptised by John the Baptist. Did he Baptise you/others? How did you celebrate and who celebrated with you?


Please include a photo/picture in your Home-Wow Book so that we can share these with your friends.


Have a great weekend


Miss Whittaker 

9th February 2024


Dear Nursery children,


Over half term I would like you to learn the Pancake Rhyme.. maybe you could say this if you have Pancakes on Shrove Tuesday.


Pancake Rhyme


Mix a pancake,

Whisk a pancake,

Pop it in a pan.

Fry a pancake,

Toss a pancake,

Catch it if you can. 


Have a lovely holiday 




Miss Whittaker

2nd February 2024


Dear Nursery children,


You have not been given your Home-Wow Book, this week.


This week share the clip (link below) of the 'The Gingerbread Man',  with your grown-ups. Talk with them about the characters, setting and  what is happening in the story.


Maybe you could do a little more baking at home...


Have a great weekend




Miss Whittaker

26th January 2024


Dear Nursery children,


This week we have been sharing the story 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'. 


Your challenge is to tell the story to your grown-ups. Maybe you can make up your own story...


Have a lovely weekend


Miss Whittaker

19th January 2024


Dear Nursery children,


Thank-you for sharing your shiny learning. You found a lot of shiny objects.


This week we have been thinking about the number three. When you are out and about maybe you could look for the numeral 3 or maybe you could practice counting three objects? We have been sharing the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears. What objects did we count three of in the story? Were they all the same size? Do you have a small, medium or big bowl/chair/bed in your home?


Have a great weekend


Miss Whittaker

12th January 2024


Dear Nursery children,


This week we have been thinking about the journey the Three Magi (Wisemen/King's) made to see the baby Jesus and the presents that they gave to him; Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. Can you remember that the Gold was shiny? Your challenge this week is to look for shiny objects around your home/when you are out and about.  What will you find? How many objects will you find? Maybe you could ask your grown-up to write down what you find, in your Home-Wow Book.


Happy searching


Miss Whittaker

15th December 2023


Dear Nursery children,


This weekend you have been given your Home-Wow Book.


You were little superstars today, telling your grown-up's the story 'The Nativity'. 


Your challenge this weekend  is to tell your grown-up about the story of the Nativity. Look at the photo below and talk about what you can see.


Maybe you could draw a picture in your Home-Wow Book. Ask your grown-up to write down what you say.


Have a great weekend


Miss Whittaker

The Nativity

8th December 2023


Dear Nursery children,


Thank-you so much for joining us on stage at the Christmas Fair. I was super impressed with your performance and I hope that this continues with our Christmas Show, next week.


This week your challenge is to prepare a Christmas Jumper for our show, next Friday. If you have not already got one you could make one by adding tinsel/decorations to a jumper that you already have at home. 


Additional challenge! We have been talking today and I would like you all to bring in a photo of when you were a baby. (Grown-up's we will be putting the photos up on display so please ensure it's not a special photo that you want returned in pristine condition!)


Have a great weekend


Miss Whittaker

1st December 2023


Dear Nursery children,


This week I have not given you your Home-Wow Books. 


Your challenge is to come to the Christmas Fair, on Sunday ready to sing the three songs that we have been learning in school. Please be at the stage (in the hall) for 12.10pm.


Remember, your grown-ups want to hear you singing, not Mrs Barber and I!


See you on Sunday


Miss Whittaker

24th November 2023


Dear Nursery children,


Thank-you so much for sharing your birthday learning with us. It was great to see you celebrating. 


We have been thinking about candles being lit whilst we have been learning about birthdays, Diwali and Hanukkah. Soon we will be thinking about other lights that we can see. 


I wonder, where do you see light in your home? It doesn't always come from a candle...


Go on a light hunt. How many lights will you find? Do they all look the same? 


Have a good weekend


Miss Whittaker



Dear Nursery children,


This week we have been thinking about the celebration 'Diwali'. Next week we will be thinking about how we celebrate our birthday and another Festival of Light, Hanukkah. 


Your challenge this weekend is to talk with your grown-up about how you celebrate your birthdays. Do you have cake? Do you get cards/presents? Does your home get decorated? Maybe you could add a photo to share to your Home Wow book? We look forward to sharing your learning, next week. 


Have a great weekend 


Miss Whittaker

10th November 2023


Dear Nursery children,


Thank-you for sharing your firework pictures. It seems that most of you heard or saw fireworks, over the weekend.


This weekend you have a new challenge. This week we have been thinking about Autumn and the changes that are taking place. This weekend I would like you to go looking for Autumnal objects that can be used to make a leaf person, next week. Look for different shaped, coloured and sized leaves. Can you find acorns, conkers or pine cones? I will be off to Kew Gardens to look for many things... I look forward to seeing what you find. Please bring in what you find on Monday.


Have a good weekend


Miss Whittaker

3rd November 2023


Dear Nursery children,


This week I am giving you a new challenge. I wonder if you will see anything lighting up the night sky, this weekend? Have a look out for some fireworks. I wonder if you can draw what you see in your Home-Wow book? What colours are they? Do they make any sounds? 


Have a great weekend


Miss Whittaker

20th October 2023


Dear Nursery children,


Thank-you again for some wonderful Home-Learning. There are so many circles to find in our world.


Next week is half term so we have not given you your Home-Wow Book but what you can do is continue learning the rhymes Incy Wincy Spider and  Little Miss Muffet, with your grown-ups at home. I wonder if you can say all of the words in the rhymes?


Incy Wincy Spider

Incy Wincy Spider climbed up the water spout,

Down came the rain and washed the spider out.

Out came the sunshine and dried up all the rain.

So, Incy Wincy Spider climbed up the spout again.


Little Miss Muffet

Little Miss Muffet,

Sat on her tuffet,

Eating her curds and whey.

Along came a spider,

who sat down beside her,

And frightened,

Miss Muffet away. 


Have a great half term break, make sure that you get plenty of rest


Miss Whittaker

13th October 2023


Dear Nursery children,


Thank-you so much for sharing your lovely home learning. You did some fabulous spider hunting and I was super impressed with you.


This weekend I am setting you a new challenge...


Can you find any circles around your home or when you are out and about? Maybe you could take a photo of the circle that you find or you could draw it. Ask your grown-up to write down what you say (grown-ups this is so important, it helps the grown-ups in Nursery when talking with your child).


Have a lovely weekend and remember you are looking for circles.




Miss Whittaker

6th October 2023


Dear Nursery children,


Welcome to your first Home Learning.


This week in Nursery we have been learning about Spiders. This weekend I would like you to go on a Spider Hunt. This could be around your home, in your garden or when you are out and about. Maybe you could draw some of the spiders that you find or you could take photos of the spiders and put them into your book. Maybe you don't find spiders but you might find a  web. A web that is not lived in anymore is called a cobweb.  Just remember, use your eyes for looking and don't touch the spiders/webs.

Ask your grown-up to write down what you say and we will share your learning in class, next week. 


Happy spider hunting


Miss Whittaker