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Mount Carmel Catholic Primary School home page

Mount Carmel

Catholic Primary School

I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full - John 10:10


Big Write for this Friday



Imagine you are Wenlock and Mandeville.

Write about going on a great adventure.

Maybe you could start your story at the school, in the library bus or at your friend’s house. Make it exciting!

Remember to put some Olympic athletes into your story and see where they take you.

Homework         Week   10    28.6.2012


Homework has been posted on the school website.


Spellings- no spellings!!

Maths – adding and take-away sums


Enter the Young Writers Competition


Storyboards will be sent home

Here are the Entry Rules

  • Stories must be on the templated entry form and have the information section filled in.
  • Only one story may be submitted per pupil.
  • Stories must be children’s own work


Please give entries to Ms Taylor by 9th July






             Math Sums
45 + 32 =                         45 – 23=
19 + 17 =                         87-22 =
76 + 67 =                          34 -12 =
12 + 34 + 54 =                 87 – 14 – 6 =
15 + 17 + 32 =                 78 – 14 – 20 =
18 + 21 + 43 =                  99 – 25 – 8
                    39 + 36 + 11 =
4 x 5 =                          2 x 5 =
6 x 5 =                          5 x 10 =
7 x 10 =                        2 x 8 =
7 x 5 =                          10 x 0 =
254 + 132 =                      145 – 65 =
267 + 183=                       123 – 34=
362 + 376=

Jubilee Celebration Photos


On May 3Oth we had a 'Jubilee Day' making crowns and information leaflets. We dressed in red, white and blue. Here are some of our photos.