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Mount Carmel Catholic Primary School home page

Mount Carmel

Catholic Primary School

I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full - John 10:10

Who's Who

No school employees have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more in increments of £10,000.



Mrs Walsh - Headteacher

Miss Ponter - Deputy Headteacher (Initial contact for concerns from Public/Parents)

Mrs Crouch -  Inclusion & SENCO (

and LAC Lead (Looked After Children)


Mrs Tippen - School Business Manager

Mrs Fowley - Receptionist

 Ms Adams - Admissions and Attendance Officer

Mrs Sobania  - Facilities Manager  
Mrs Coll - Welfare 


Miss Whittaker - Nursery Teacher

Mrs Barber - Nursery Nurse
Miss Goodman and Mrs Knight - Reception Teachers
Miss Pearson and Miss Brake - Nursery Nurses for Reception

KS1 Staff

Miss Hattam and Miss Taylor- Year 1 Teachers

Mrs Field - HLTA
 Mrs White and Miss Feasey- Year 2 Teachers
Miss Youshie - HLTA

KS2 Staff

Mrs Whish and Ms Lenney- Year 3 Teachers

Mrs Coleman - HLTA
Miss George and Miss Roberts - Year 4 Teachers
Mr Donnelly - HLTA
 Miss Lawler and Miss Austin- Year 5 Teachers
Mrs Coll- HLTA
Miss McLellan and Mr McCaul - Year 6 Teachers
Mrs Connolly  - HLTA


1:1 Support

Mrs O'Grady

Miss Conyers

Miss Barrilaro

Mrs Davies


Specialist Teachers

Coach Rory - PE

Mrs Coleman - Music

Miss Bisbal - Spanish